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Use All Corners of the Cloud

Today's trend is to move as much of your mission critical technology to the Cloud for many reasons, which of course can be expensive to protect.  But, why not use the most private and secure resource of the Cloud to protect your company from a major failure.  That other corner of the cloud is your own business workplace and network, which by definition, is your own private Cloud to use as you wish.  Will save your business a bundle!

Our Services

Our services are customized for your business, but can be summarized as follows:

Our Services

Cloud Guidance

From a menu of Cloud services, like all the components of Microsoft 365, we mix and match the best based upon your needs.

Managed IT Services

Whether company infrastructure, network gear, virtual servers and/or computers, we can be your IT Department to manage it all.

Disaster Recovery

Depending on how mission critical platforms are managed and relied upon, we can develop a BCDR solution on-premise, or Cloud Based.

Virtual CIO Services

Allow us to be your trusted adviser, evaluating all layers (and budget) of your IT environment, providing suggested improvements.

Network Solutions

Evaluate and implement improvements to network infrastructure, including firewalls, switches, and controller based wireless platforms.

Support Consulting

Call on us for any technical issues or requirements.  We will tap into our vast experience to point you in the right direction. 


Ready to find out more?

Contact us today to setup a free evaluation meeting with us.  We will meet to discuss your current technology usage, and requirements (both present and future).  From there, we will provide some recommendations on how to proceed.

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